Daily Archives: September 9, 2021

christmas tree - Weston Sawmill

Reasons why you should invest in a real Christmas tree

The festive season is just a few months away, and maybe it’s time you invest in a real Christmas tree.

For those of you hesitant to invest in a real Christmas tree, you need not worry. Real Christmas trees are a lot easier to maintain than first thought. Before you start worrying about hoovering up pine needles every day, remember we have Nordmann Fir that keeps their needles.

If you are still not convinced, read our latest blog below.

5 Reasons to choose a real Christmas tree

Good for the environment

Real Christmas trees are planted especially in our nursery to be sold for the festive season; meaning every tree planted simply sustains the real Christmas tree market.

The higher the demand the more trees are planted. Because of this; the Carbon Trust estimating that real trees are up to 10 times better for the environment than their artificial counterparts. In terms of environmental impact; it would take ten years of re-using a fake tree to break. In this time you could have just one real Christmas tree.

Because trees produce more oxygen, tree plantations and farms will help to improve the atmosphere.

Do it for the kids!

Every family has a designated tree decorator, either mum or dad, depending on the household. As for the kids, they could be itching at the chance to help, even if it is changed back afterwards.

Let’s face it, the tree will be ignored again until the presents start gathering underneath it.

This changes when you invest in a real tree. As you can make it part of your annual tradition to decide what tree type will match your fairy lights.
Children will often pay more attention to a tree they have helped choose; rather than one getting pulled out of your attic and/or storage space.

Being eco-friendly

Most faux trees are made of plastic. This means that when they get too tired and old to be propped up in someone’s living room they will be discarded and make their way to landfill. Remember fake trees can’t be recycled.

A real tree means that if it is discarded and thrown away, it is biodegradable and does zero net damage to the environment. You also have the option to compost your tree once you are finished with it.

Even if your tree ends up in green waste bins, it will more than likely end up as compost anyway.

The other option is to purchase one of our potted trees that keeps on growing year after year. You may need to cut it down to size eventually, but other than this it is low maintenance and saves more trees being chopped down every year.

Get the true smell of Christmas

Unlike faux trees, real Christmas trees give off a wonderful, subtle fresh pine needle smell, which can never truly be replicated.

Your nose will remind you of this fresh scent every day. If you have never really invested in a real tree before, you are truly missing out on one of the joys of the festive season.

Free up storage space

Some of us are lucky to have plenty of storage space at our disposal, however; others are not so lucky and will struggle to find space to store last year’s tree.

Even trees that can be dismantled into smaller parts can still take up a lot of storage room. If you live in a city or a property with limited storage space, purchasing a real tree is the best idea.

Even potted trees don’t take up too much space and can be kept on balconies or in your back garden until next year.

Get in touch with any questions

If you have any questions about Weston Sawmill’s range of Christmas trees; please do not hesitate to contact us now.

We offer Spruce, Nordmann Fir and potted Nordmann and Norway Spruce trees at our nursery based in Weston-under-Lizard, Shropshire.